How to use AI to predict the appearance of your future child

What AI baby generator can do?

Consider such circumstances.

1) Curious about the appearance of your future children?

2) Curious about what your child would have looked like, if you married your exBF/GF?

3) Curious about what your child would look like, if you married a dream lover or an entertainment star?

Let AI tools help you

Step 1: Find AI baby generator tools

Therre are many tools, here is a free online AI baby generator tool,

Step 2: Basic Settings

The basic settings include: uploading parental photos, selecting the child’s gender, and setting the height and width of the photos

Firstly, in the image of the AI tool, click the [Select File] button, select the photos you want to upload, and upload it to the AI tool.

Note: Currently, AI tool only accept image files and do not introduce other file types. Each image should not exceed 5MB in size

Secondly, in the gender column, you can choose either “boy” or “girl”, which means you want the AI tool to generate children of which gender.

Note that currently only male and female options are supported, while other genders are under development

Finally, in the height column, you can enter how many heights of photos you expect the AI tool to generate, and the input value should be between 0 and 1920; Similarly, in the width column, enter the desired width of the photo that you expect the AI tool to generate, and the input value should also be between 0 and 1920.

Step 3: Start prediction

In the AI tool, you can see the red “Start AI Prediction” button. After you have filled in the relevant parameters, you can click this button, and the AI tool will work specifically for you

Step 4: Obtain prediction results within 5 minutes

After you submit the request, the AI tool will provide you with timely feedback on the progress of the work.

Usually within 5 minutes, you will see the appearance of your future child.

For example, the following is a cute picture of a child.

AI baby generator boy
AI baby generator boy

You can click on the image and save it, or share it on social media. If you fail to save the prediction results of the AI tool in a timely manner, you can go to the [Download Center] page and download the images again without having to make a new prediction.

Go give it a try